Academic help for refugees (updated)

Zdjęcie nagłówkowe otwierające podstronę: Academic help for refugees (updated)
We have about 300 places for refugees. We run collections. We provide psychological support.
IMPORTANT!!!  506 647 916 - (09 a.m.- 04 p.m.)  help line in the Office of Marketing and PR (Niechcic Hall).  
We have a common room for children from Ukraine! See the video HERE.

Food supplies are running low! (Clothes not needed at the moment)
Urgently needed:
milk, yoghurts, cereals
pasta, groats, rice
tinned meat and fish
coffee, tea, toilet paper.

We are waiting for you at the Skrzat club (Mrowisko Hall) from 08 a.m. to 10 a.m. - Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and at the Office of Marketing and PR (Niechcic Hall, room 7) from 08 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.

You can donate money to the account: PKO BP 04 1020 3668 0000 5702 0427 3181
with the annotation: Pomoc dla Ukrainy

The collection is run by the Students' Association of the University of Opole JUVENES, ul. Katowicka 95, Opole 45-061

Polish language courses for Ukrainian refugees 

The Diocese of Opole and the Faculty of Theology organize Polish language courses for Ukrainian refugees. The project is held under the patronage of the Caritas of Opole Diocese.

Classes take place in lecture rooms of a separate annex in the building of the Faculty of Theology at 1a Drzymały Street. We invite all interested teachers to cooperate with us.

All information for those interested is provided by the diocesan coordinator:
Phone: +48 600 478 377

March 29

Charity event for Ukraine

On 18 March 2022 at 6 p.m. on the ground floor of the Modern Art Gallery in Opole, an artistic happening in the form of an "auction" will take place - people "bidding" on works of art donated by artists will make donations directly to a collection of the Roman Kirstein Foundation for humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

Between the 18th and 31st of March 2022, a charity auction will be available online at the Allegro portal where the remaining works provided by artists will be available for purchase (the auction lasts until the 31st of March 2022, 11:59 p.m.).  This part of the action is supervised by the UO Students' Association "Juvenes" together with the UO Students' Union. 

The following institutions invite you to take part in the action: Gallery of Contemporary Art in Opole, Opole District of the Association of Polish Artists, Faculty of Art of the University of Opole, Roman Kirstein Foundation, UO Students' Association "Juvenes" and the Students' Union of the University of Opole.

14 March

Пункт психологічної допомоги - Psychological counselling

Дорогі друзі!
Вітаємо вас в Польщі! Тяжкі обставини, які змусили вас покинути свій дім викликають сильне занепокоєння і стрес. Це може перешкоджати вам добре діяти, адаптуватися і створює умови для погіршення здоров’я. Щоб запобігти цим негативним психологічним станам ми запрошуємо вас відвідувати пункт психологічної допомоги. Пункт працює в п’ятниці з 16.00 до 19.00 за адресою: вул. Войцеха Джимали 1-А (ul. Wojcecha Drzymały 1-A). Тел. +48 889 200 653.
Не сидіть самі в чотирьох стінах! Приходьте за психологічною допомогою. Це допоможе зменшити напруження і запобігти психологічному виснаженню.
Зустрічі проводять психологи, котрі розмовляють українською мовою.

Dear friends!
Welcome to Poland! The difficult circumstances that have forced you to leave your homes cause you severe anxiety and stress. This may impede your ability to function normally and creates conditions for deterioration of your health. In order to avoid these negative mental conditions, we invite you to visit the psychological helpdesk. The centre is open on Fridays from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the following address: 1A Wojcecha Drzymały Street, tel: +48 889 200 653.
Don't sit alone within four walls! Come for psychological help. It will help you reduce tension and avoid psychological exhaustion.
Meetings are conducted by psychologists who speak Ukrainian.

March 12

ATTENTION! Urgently needed:
water, juice
milk, butter
coffee, tea
herbal remedies for sedation
washing powder in small packets
cloths, dustpans and brushes, mops
small pots and pans
hairdryers, facial cosmetics, spices are also welcome.
The collection takes place in Skrzat Club, Mrowisko Hall, Katowicka Street, between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., or in the Office of Marketing and PR, Niechcic Hall, room 7 (between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.).

We would like to thank our friends from Germany for a van full of valuable donations: baby food, pampers, hygiene products, and cleaning supplies. 
We are grateful to  H.J. Aulich Spedition, Lagerung Hausgeratelogistik Zum Holzplatz 4, 44536 Lunen and Ewelina and Waldemar Olejniczak with their family and friends.

March 8

The University Hospital in Opole provides free specialist medical assistance for refugees from Ukraine.
Information: 603 566 439 - Information Desk and Vaccination Point (7.30 - 15.00)
In urgent cases, please go to the Hospital Emergency Ward for assistance.
Information on how to move within the Polish health care system can be obtained 24 hours a day on the National Health Fund (NFZ) toll-free helpline at 800 190 590.   

 Університетська Клінічна Лікарня у м. Ополе надає безкоштовну спеціалізовану медичну допомогу біженцям з України.
Інформацію можна отримати за наступними номером телефону:
603 566 439 - Інформаційний пункт та Пункт вакцинації (з 7.30 до 15.00)
У екстрених випадках слід звертатися за допомогою до Відділення невідкладної допомоги лікарні.
Інформацію про те, як орієнтуватися в польській системі охорони здоров’я, можна цілодобово отримати на безкоштовній гарячій лінії Національного фонду охорони здоров’я (NFZ) за номером телефону 800 190 590.  

Pastoral service to war refugees.
Father Witali Burko, a resident of the Transfiguration parish in Opole and a doctoral student at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Opole, will help. Contact: +48 694 910 306.  
Psychological support
The staff and students of the Institute of Psychology are offering psychological counselling (support groups and individual psychological counselling for our students and non-students) in connection with the hostilities in Ukraine.
If you need psychological help in connection with the warfare in Ukraine, or if you want to get involved in helping us and you speak Ukrainian, please contact us.
"If there is such a need, we can start a support group and individual psychological counselling for our students or people from outside the university." assure the employees of the Institute of Psychology. "Please spread this information."
Contact us 24 hours a day: Przemysław Zdybek,, Wiktoria Kubiec

March 7

We have already 150 refugees in the Halls and the phone is still ringing. We are trying to find at least a few more places.

Collection of medical supplies!

Students of the University of Opole, members of the IFMSA-Poland Opole Branch, are running a collection for the Hospital in Ternopil, Children's Endocrinology Ward - children with diabetes urgently need to be treated. The following are needed:

syringes with insulin
strips for glucometers

So far a lot of necessary supplies have been collected and the first parcel to Ivano-Frankivsk has already gone.


Mrowisko Hall, ul. Katowicka 89 - SKRZAT Club, or room 26
Niechcic Hall, ul. Katowicka 87B - Office of Marketing and Public Relations of Opole University

We have 110 refugees accommodated. 

4 March

We would like to express our great thanks to the students of the Faculty of Health Sciences! Your outstanding commitment, efficiency, dedication and empathy cannot be praised enough! Thank you for arranging the bus, which will be at the disposal of us - the staff of BMiPR - for a week, thank you for the collection of donations and for taking care of our guests.

Today we thank you, but thanks are also due to your colleagues from other UO faculties. We will write about them!!!   

9.00 a.m.
We have already accommodated 82 refugees. 

3 March

We are temporarily suspending the in-kind collection for refugees. In the near future we will provide for refugee families based on their needs.

People who offer transport services to the border to pick up refugees and bring them to Opole are welcome to contact us at:, or on FB - Opole for Ukraine. 

Portable laundry dryers needed. We are waiting for them in the ''Skrzat'' Club.

Many thanks to the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences for helping us organize lunches for our refugees! 

Thanks to the gentleman who put his private bus at our disposal indefinitely. This is very important to us and will make our work much easier! 

We have already accommodated 63 people! 

The collection continues! We still need
- food
- long-term food
- cleaning supplies - mops, buckets, washing liquids, dishwashing liquids, dusters, cleaning  cloths
- personal hygiene items - deodorants, tampons, pads, baby oils and creams, cosmetics
- dishes, pots and pans, kettles, irons.
Everything is collected in the "Skrzat" Club opposite the Niechcic Hall, 87B Katowicka Street.  

10.40 am
58 war refugees from Ukraine are already staying with us. 

9.20 am
We have accommodated 30 refugees, including small children, in the UO halls of residence. We still need food and cleaning supplies.

March 2nd


ATTENTION: Food needed urgently! Canned food, pre-packed cold meat and cheese, jam, pasta, rice, etc. Bring them to the campus, to the store room in the Skrzat Club, Mrowisko Hall, 89 Katowicka Street. 
We also need sudocrem and penathen for children, as well as cleaning supplies.


Another 15 people have arrived. We are accommodating!


The University Hospital in Opole provides free specialist medical assistance for refugees from Ukraine.

603 566 439 - Information Desk and Vaccination Point (7.30 - 15.00)

In urgent cases, please go to the Hospital Emergency Ward for assistance.

 Університетська Клінічна Лікарня у м. Ополе надає безкоштовну спеціалізовану медичну допомогу біженцям з України

 Інформацію можна отримати за наступними номером телефону:

 603 566 439 - Інформаційний пункт та Пункт вакцинації (з 7.30 до 15.00)

У екстрених випадках слід звертатися за допомогою до Відділення невідкладної допомоги лікарні.

UH: As a hospital we want to join in the aid for Ukraine, so we are organizing a collection of needed things, mainly medicines and medical supplies at the university hospital.

We have prepared a list of the most needed items, as indicated by the coordinators of aid activities:

1. blankets (in very good condition),
2. sleeping bags (in very good condition)
3. batteries,
4. torches,
5. head torches
6. LED lights,
7. thermoses  
8. chemical hand warmers
9. thermal blankets
10. medicines and dressings (new, originally packed):
- bandages,
- large plasters,
- tourniquets,
- dressings for burns,
- painkillers and fever killers (commercially available),
- activated charcoal,
- eye drops,
- disinfectants.

The collection will take place on 2-3 March (Wednesday-Thursday) at the hospital. The collection will take place on 2-3 March (Wednesday-Thursday) in the hospital, Witosa Street, on level 1 next to room 04. There will be boxes and baskets set up for the collection.

12.55 pm

 In the chamber hall of the Student Cultural Centre, we have arranged a common room for children. They will be provided not only with toys, but also with care.   

 12.50 pm

 We have 147 places, fully prepared to receive refugees!

 12.30 pm

 A student volunteer takes Ukrainian children to a specially prepared playground in one of the halls of residence.

 12.20 pm

 Fifteen refugees have been accommodated. More are coming.

 12.00 pm

The Faculty of Theology of the University of Opole, the Academic Ministry Resurrexit and the Higher Interdiocesan Seminary in Opole would like to invite the academic community of Opole to pray the rosary and a mass for peace at 6.30 p.m. on Tuesday at the seminary-academic church at 1a Drzymały Street.

After the Eucharist, there will be a meeting with psychologists Mirosław and Żanna Staniszewski, who will start the "Help Point for People with Stress and Post-Stress Conditions" on 4 March in the Resurrexit premises.

The academic community of the Faculty of Theology also wants to engage in concrete material help. The Dean of the FT announces a collection for the victims of the war in Ukraine. It will last from 28.02 to 11.03 inclusive, except for Saturday and Sunday. We will be collecting:

  • personal hygiene items;
  • thermos flasks/ thermo cups;
  • bandages, plasters, gauze and other dressing materials.

The collection will take place in room 06 on level 1 of our Faculty building at 1a Drzymały St. from 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. The collected gifts will be given to Caritas Opole Diocese.  


Attention, collection of specific items! At the Institute of Pedagogical Sciences, in the building of COLLEGIUM PEDAGOGICUM UO, 2a Czaplaka Street, from 9.00 to 18.00, until 3 March (Thursday) inclusive, a collection of the following products will be organized:

  • Nutridrinks- small volume, lots of nutritional value available at pharmacies.
  • Isotonic drinks - such as OSHEE - available in grocery shops.
  • Electrolytes to dissolve in water - sachets or effervescent tablets - available at pharmacies.

List of products agreed with reception points on the Polish-Ukrainian border.

March 1, 2022

Volunteers still needed - now!!!  Please report to the Skrzat Club where there is a lot of work. We are expecting more refugees to arrive any minute.


We are helping together with CH Turawa Park. Some of the things needed to equip the rooms, cleaning supplies, food we brought from CH Turawa Park. On an ongoing basis we are preparing more rooms in the halls for people fleeing the war.


We need two large fridges with delivery to the UO campus - Katowicka Street.


IMPORTANT !!!  506 647 916 - we are launching a 24/7 help line at the Office of Marketing and PR (Niechcic Hall). 


Volunteers needed now - we are waiting in the Skrzat Club, where we have organized a warehouse. Help retrofit fifteen residential modules for refugees.


WE ARE HELPING. See the photo gallery - HERE. Join us!

12.00 pm


All persons who want to help in organizational issues related to the reception of refugees are asked to report to the Student Union office, which is located in the Student Cultural Centre - 1st floor or contact us via e-mail - People with a driving license and a car are also welcome.


By Monday noon, eight people who had fled war-stricken Ukraine, including a family with two small children, found shelter in the University of Opole halls of residence. We have guaranteed them places to sleep, food and psychological support.

And the phones are still ringing, more people are coming.

"The university is ready to receive refugees," says the rector of the UO, Prof. Marek Masnyk. "We expect that Ukrainian students who went home for the break between semesters will be able to come back to study with us, although I'm worried about the men, because they're at conscription age and we know what this means in Ukraine. We also expect that those students who will be able to return, will come to us with their families. We want to help them and we will give them any vacant places."

The Ukrainian refugees had a tiring journey, even three days long. Above all, they need peace and rest, but also essentials for everyday life, as they fled from their homes with only hand luggage.  



At the University of Opole, a collection of essentials is underway - at the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Faculty of Law and Administration, and of money - at the portal, organized by the Faculty of Political Science and Social Communication.

We are collecting:

  •  sleeping bags, mattresses, blankets, duvets, pillows,
  • bed linen, towels and other textiles,
  • clothing for adults and children,
  • cleaning and personal hygiene products,
  • thermoses, thermal cups,
  • toys and school supplies. 

In the lobby of the building of Collegium Biotechnologicum, at 6a Kominka Street, you can leave donations for Ukrainian citizens. Such donations may include:

  • blankets, sleeping bags
  • clean clothes,
  • Food products with a long shelf life
  • Hygiene products, especially for women and children
  • toys
until Wednesday, you can also leave dressing materials and over-the-counter medicines.

IMPORTANT!!! Collection of medical supplies at the Faculty of Medicine

The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Opole is launching a collection of medical supplies from 28 February 2022. These materials will be donated to hospitals in Ukraine where, in addition to the injured, there are also sick people, including women and children.

The most needed medical supplies:

- large stasis/pressure bands
- compression kits, e.g. CAT
- blood stoppers
- all types of bandages
- gauzes
- all types of plasters (cut dressings, fabric adhesives, non-woven surgical)
- occlusive dressings (with a valve) e.g. Hyfin, Asherman, Russel, Sam etc.
- haemostatic dressings (Celox, Quikclot)
- nasopharyngeal, oropharyngeal and laryngeal tubes of different sizes with lubricant
- medical scissors
- hydrogen peroxide, saline, wound disinfectant liquids and sprays
- medical gloves
- catheters and drip systems
- needles for pleural decompression
- analgesics
- antibiotics
- first-aid kits for cars
- thermal blankets
- thermal compresses
- soft mobile stretchers for carrying the wounded
- an electricity generator is also very necessary.

We ask that all materials are originally sealed
Place of collection of medical donations:
Collegium Medicum, Office of the Department of Biochemistry, (room E 2.30, 2nd floor) from 9:00 to 15:00; 48 Oleska Street, 45-052 Opole


Guidebook of "Gazeta Wyborcza" and "Express" published in Lviv in Ukrainian: free supplement for refugees with the most necessary information in Ukrainian: Special Edition.pdf

Friday 25 February

Psychological support

The staff of the Institute of Psychology are offering psychological counselling (support groups and individual psychological counselling for our students and non-students) in connection with the hostilities in Ukraine.

Dear UO students, colleagues from Ukraine,

If you need psychological help in connection with the warfare in Ukraine, or if you want to get involved in helping us and you speak Ukrainian, please contact us.

"If there is such a need, we can start a support group and individual psychological counselling for our students or people from outside the university." assure the employees of the Institute of Psychology. "Please spread this information."

Contact us 24 hours a day: Przemysław Zdybek,, Wiktoria Kubiec
