Intercultural Workshops

Zdjęcie nagłówkowe otwierające podstronę: Intercultural Workshops

Once again the Hello! Organization in cooperation with the Institute of Sociology and the Research Group of Sociologists had a pleasure to organize Intercultural Workshops; this time, for secondary school students from Prudnik. The meeting was opened by Prof. Krzysztof Frysztacki’s speech on cultural differentiation and its value, and the importance of intercultural communication in the modern world. Then the students were asked to fill in a short questionnaire and afterwards they were invited on a journey to Bangladesh, Greece, Indonesia, Turkey and Ukraine. The UO students (of Sociology, Intercultural Communication and Applied Gender Studies) from those countries were their guides. They presented their cultures and tried to answer all the questions asked by the guests. The workshop was finished with an inspirational discussion on cultures, stereotypes, studying and travelling. Participants reflected on the importance of a mosque for Muslims, and whether they can go to a Catholic Church to pray when there is no mosque in the vicinity. The final question was if we can call foreigners living among us our people.
