Psychological and Therapeutic Support Centre Already Working

Zdjęcie nagłówkowe otwierające podstronę: Psychological and Therapeutic Support Centre Already Working

Psychotherapist Anna Bereźnicka (on the left) and psychologist Aleksandra Stelmaszak provide support at the Psychological and Therapeutic Support Centre of the University of Opole. Jakub Bułacz is responsible for administrative services, including making appointments for therapeutic meetings.

The support centre started its activity on February 15.

- In our centre you can count on all sort of support - say the therapists. - Our goal is to provide students and employees of Opole University with psychological and therapeutic assistance in every aspect. Young people entering adulthood often have lots of doubts, hesitations, dilemmas, difficulties, and sometimes even dramatic problems. It is connected, for example, with entering into relationships, with parenthood, with violent experiences, or with choosing a life path. These issues can be worked through and talked through. We can help our clients look at themselves from a distance, look for their strengths, get used to fears, even those caused by the pandemic, by isolation and lockdown.

Aleksandra Stelmaszak and Anna Bereźnicka emphasize that if it turns out during the meetings that a given person needs specialist help, for instance in the field of addiction therapy, depression treatment or other disorders, e.g. eating disorders, they will be directed to the appropriate place.

- We think that the fact that you can get professional support at your university, without having to look for it somewhere else, will help a lot of people to break through some barriers, because let's not delude ourselves: asking a therapist for help, although becoming more and more common, in our consciousness still evokes fear of stigmatization in many people - say the therapists. - We do encourage you to contact our Centre, because it is often a chance to start your way out of a crisis or to find your own path.  

For the time being - due to the pandemic - all meetings will be held remotely. Over time, however, as soon as the epidemiological situation allows, they will move to offices in one of the buildings on the university campus, with full access for people with disabilities; there will also be a space for group meetings. Future paratheatre sessions, planned for after the pandemic has gone away, will be held in the Student Activity Centre.

Important note: The assistance provided by the Psychological and Therapeutic Support Centre is free of charge.

To sign up for an appointment with a psychologist or psychotherapist, you should fill in the application form first. To open the form, click here:

After receiving the form, a PTSC staff member will contact you to arrange an appointment with the use of the MS Teams platform.

Office hours:

Monday: 08:00 - 12:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 12:30
Wednesday: 08:00 - 12:30
Thursday: 08:00 - 12:30

Counselling hours:

Monday: 08:00 - 15:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 15:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 15:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 15:00
Friday: 08:00 - 15:00




Jakub Bułacz - officer at the BDiSS,    

Text: Beata Łabutin


The Psychological and Therapeutic Support Centre is part of the "University of Opole - university (very!) accessible” project financed by the National Centre for Research and Development (Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development).  The project is managed by Dr Grzegorz Haber.

 "University of Opole - university (very!) accessible” project is co-financed by the European Social Fund. Project number POWR.03.05.00-00-A013/20, and implemented from November 11, 2020 to October 31, 2023.

