To make studying more enjoyable

Zdjęcie nagłówkowe otwierające podstronę: To make studying more enjoyable

Wooden deckchairs and garden benches, water dispensers, fold-out deckchairs for hire and colourful pouffes - all this equipment was added to the University of Opole during the summer holidays. “All of these amenities are intended for integration and relaxation,” says the Rector of the UO.

“It was the students who suggested that we equip our university with such elements of small infrastructure,” says Professor Jacek Lipok, Rector of the University of Opole. “So we used the holidays to purchase and install them. We hope that they will serve well not only for students, but also for the entire academic community.”

A total of eight bottleless water dispensers have already been installed in the UO buildings. They are available in the Niechcic, Kmicic and Mrowisko halls of residence, as well as in Collegium Maius, Collegium Civitas, the Main Library and in the UO building at 48 Oleska Street and the Student Culture Centre. “All you need is your own reusable cup or bottle to use them. We hope that by using them as a whole community, we will also reduce the production of plastic waste,” explains the UO Rector.

The water dispensers are connected directly to the water supply. They have filters that treat the water to remove impurities. Every six months the filters will be replaced and the units cleaned.

During the summer holidays, 17 deckchairs and seven garden benches were also purchased. They are located next to the Collegium Civitas (5 deckchairs and 2 benches), in the green area next to the courtyard of the UO building at 48 Oleska Street (5 deckchairs and 2 benches) and in the grounds of the Faculty of Health Sciences (7 deckchairs and 3 benches). “The places where these elements of small infrastructure have been placed were consulted with the students, as they know best where most people hang out and where they are actually needed,” explains Prof. Jacek Lipok. “These are green areas where, when the weather is good, you can have a nice time outdoors.”

In addition, the University of Opole has also purchased 100 garden deckchairs, foldable and waterproof, and 50 sets of small and large colourful pouffes, also waterproof. The deckchairs are available at the reception desks of the UO student residences, the Student Cultural Centre and the Faculty of Economics. They can be hired there upon presentation of a student ID card. The pouffes have been placed in practically all UO facilities where students go.

"Students already know that we have such facilities on the campus and in university buildings," said Aleksandra Krupop, president of the UO Students’ Union, at a press conference devoted to small infrastructure for students. "This was also one of our requests. We are glad that it was fulfilled so quickly after the new rector started his term. The students are very happy to use this equipment. We think it is a very cool initiative that will help to spend the time between classes in a better and more enjoyable way."

The cost of the purchase of wooden benches and garden chairs is just under PLN 35,000, the lease and installation of the dispensers nearly PLN 14,000, the purchase of folding garden chairs just over PLN 12,000 and pouffes over PLN 15,000. “The purchases were financed from projects supporting the internationalisation of the university and serve to increase the attractiveness of the UO's facilities for students, particularly in the context of international exchange,” says the director of the UO's Office of Research and Project Management, Jarosław Kubiak.

