HRS4R Work Schedule

05 June 2023 Establishing a Team for the application and implementation of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers at the University of Opole, HRS4R Team (Rector's Regulation No. 44/2023).

June 28, 2023: Rector Prof. Marek Masnyk signs a declaration of endorsement for the principles and recommendations adopted in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

June 2023: Sending to the European Commission a declaration of endorsement for the principles and recommendations adopted in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

July 4, 2023: The official response from the European Commission on acceptance of the sent declaration of endorsement for the principles and recommendations adopted in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, and thus the start of the 12-month period to prepare the application documentation for the HRS4R Award.

July 2023: Placing the University of Opole on the list of institutions that have expressed their support for the Charter and the Code:

July 2023: Meeting of the Working Team for the application and implementation of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers at the University of Opole (HRS4R Working Team):

·       election of the Chair of the Working Team,

·       discussing application guidelines,

·       development of a work schedule for the Working Team,

·       starting work on the research tool (survey conducted among academics at the University of Opole).

July-September 2023: preparation of a survey among University of Opole academics regarding:

·       review of reports of national HEIs that have received the HRS4R Award,

·       preparation of the research tool,

·       consultation of the research tool in the HRS4R Team and with appointed experts (sending comments to the Working Team),

·       pilot survey in selected units,

·       completion of work on the research tool,

·       information campaign at the University of Opole regarding the HRS4R Award and the conducted survey.

September 2023: Creation of a dedicated tab on the University of Opole website about the HRS4R Sstrategy,:

·       posting information on the application process,

·       ongoing update of information, available to all employees of the University of Opole.

October-November 2023: information campaign on HRS4R strategy among the UO academics:

·       email information to all UO academics,

·       information banners,

·       Directors of Scientific Institutes (members of the HRS4R Team) provide information to academics in their units.

October-November 2023: Implementation of the survey of academics at the University of Opole.

October 2023: Meeting of the Working Team for the development of the HRS4R Strategy:

·       review of application documentation,

·       development of a work schedule,

·       division of tasks and assignment of working groups.

9 November 2023: Rector Prof. Marek Masnyk's announcement at the Senate meeting about the commencement of the University of Opole's efforts to obtain the HRS4R Award and the launch of a survey among academics.

December 2023-February 2024: analysis of the survey results.

March 2024: Working Ttheeam’s meeting: report on work to date.

April-May 2024: Development of the HRS4R UO Strategy: Gap Analysis, OTM-R checklist, Action Plan.

May 2024: Rector Prof. Marek Masnyk and Rector-elect Prof. Jacek Lipok accept the Report on the survey of academics. Publication of the Report on the University of Opole website and informing academic teachers about the release of the Survey Report.

23 May 2024: Summing up the work on the development of the HRS4R UO Strategy by the Deputy Chair of the Team, Assoc. Prof. Dominika Malchar-Michalska, PhD, DSc during the Senate session: information about the publication of the Research Report and the study: Gap Analysis, OTM-R checklist of Action Plan. Discussion

06 June 2024: Summing up meeting of the Team for the application and implementation of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers:

·       presentation of the Survey Report,

·       presentation of the HRS4R UO Strategy: Gap Analysis, OTM-R checklist Action Plan,

·       discussion

·       the Team’s recommendations.

June 2024: Acceptance of the HRS4R UO Strategy by the Rector, Prof. Marek Masnyk: Gap Analysis, OTM-R checklist of Action Plan.

September 2024: initial assessment report of the submitted documentation by the European Commission.

September-October 2024: work on revisions to documentation: Gap Analysis, OTM-R Checklist, Action Plan - responsible: Task Groups 2 and 3 and the UO Rector's College. Discussion and submission of comments made by UO researchers and doctoral students (R1-R4).

October 2024: Meetings with the University Council of Opole University and presentation of HRS4R documentation. Approval of the document by Rector Prof. Jacek Lipok and resending documents to the European Commission.

Rector's Regulation No. 44/2023
