Grand polonaise of this year's graduates behind us

Zdjęcie nagłówkowe otwierające podstronę: Grand polonaise of this year's graduates behind us

Two weeks before their final secondary school exams pupils from Opole's secondary schools gathered in Opole's Market Square to dance the polonaise, which - as their older colleagues who have danced the polonaise assure - is a sign of good luck at the final exams.

The participants were welcomed by Arkadiusz Wiśniewski, Mayor of Opole, who himself danced the polonaise as a secondary school graduate and his exams went swimmingly.

“I hope that this dance will give you satisfaction, joy, relief, smiles and happiness," he said.  “I also wish you good luck in your exams and that the next few years will turn out the way you want them to.”

Prof. Izabella Pisarek, Vice-Rector for Academic and Student Affairs at the OU, also addressed the school-leavers: “I wish you to pass your baccalaureate exams with flying colours, and on behalf of the authorities of the Opole University, I would like to invite you to study with us. Our University offers as many as 76 very attractive study programmes.  I wish you good luck, we'll keep our fingers crossed for you.”

The Polonaise of secondary school graduates organized by "Gazeta Wyborcza" in cooperation with the town hall and the University of Opole took place for the first time after a two-year break caused by the pandemic. This year we celebrated the twentieth anniversary edition.

The Polonaise was traditionally led by Zygmunt Babiak, an actor of the Opole Puppet and Actor Theatre, and accompanied by Kamila Świerc, Miss Poland and Miss Opole Region. The parade was joined by Mayor Wiśniewski dancing with Joanna Nabiałczyk, 3rd Runner-Up - Miss Teen Poland 2020, a student of journalism and social communication at the OU, and Professor Pisarek, who danced with Szymon Wolf, head of the OU Student Culture Centre.

After dancing the polonaise, all the participants lined up for a commemorative photograph.  The photo will be published in the Opole edition of "Gazeta Wyborcza" on 22 April 2022.

The event was held under the patronage of Arkadiusz Wiśniewski, Mayor of Opole, and Michał Siek, Opole's School Superintendent.



