Training for early stage researchers

Careers in research management is the topic of the upcoming online training course which is part of the Forthem Academy for Early Stage Researchers. It will take place on 30 October 2024 and registration will run until 28 October.

The aim of the workshop is to show that a career in research management should not be seen as a backup option, but rather as a valuable opportunity to unlock different career paths. This perspective is equally relevant for early career researchers and for those considering changing their paths.

The meeting will provide participants with information on job opportunities and trainings provided by the most important European association of research managers and administrators, EARMA. In addition, a top research management expert will present their own career path, discussing the challenges and opportunities along such a path

The training will be organised by the Johann Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany. You can register for it until 28 October via the dedicated FORM. For more information, please email:
