University of Opole

European University

Nadchodzi 10-lecie programu Europa Master (1)
10th anniversary of Europa Master programme
International panel discussions and a graduat...
Ponad 3 tysiące osób na opolskim Salonie Maturzystów
More than 3,000 people at Opole Education Fai...
The event, hosted by the University of Opole,...


O współpracy badawczej i nauce podczas spotkania Forthem (1)
On research cooperation and science during Forthem...
Good practices in research cooperation and the conduct of scientific activi...
Ponad 3 tysiące osób na opolskim Salonie Maturzystów
More than 3,000 people at Opole Education Fair
The event, hosted by the University of Opole, attracted visitors from acros...
Sobota z kręgowcami mezozoiku. Przyjechali do nas naukowcy z Holandii
Saturday with vertebrates of Mesozoic. Scientists ...
Dr Eric Mulder and Dr John Jagt of the Natural History Museum in Maastricht...
Prof. R. Riedel in panel of experts of European Re...
Prof. Rafał Riedel from the Institute of Political Science and Administrati...
O wojnach, przesiedleniach i pamięci narodowej – profesor Eigler na UO
On war, displacement and national memory - Profess...
Instead of upholding competing narratives, one can find similarities, for e...
Profesor Izabella Pisarek z wizytą we francuskim Dijon
Professor Izabella Pisarek visited Dijon, France
The Head of the Chair of Earth Surface Protection and Spatial Management, P...


Nadchodzi 10-lecie programu Europa Master (1)
10th anniversary of Europa Master programme
International panel discussions and a graduation c...
Zbliża się interdyscyplinarne seminarium o równości płci
Interdisciplinary seminar on gender equality comin...
The representatives of archaeology, economics, env...
Bliskie spotkania z Islandią w Galerii -m- (2)
Close Encounters with Iceland at Gallery M
The Close Encounters is an international exhibitio...
W Collegium Maius zagości konferencja o międzykulturowości
Rector's hours on Friday
ANNOUNCEMENT In view of the ‘Education Fair”...
Kiermasz Taniej Książki na UO. Rabaty do 80%!
UO Book Fair. Discounts of up to 80%!
On 3 and 4 December 2024, the Opole University Pre...
UO z Akredytacją Regionalnej Instytucji Otoczenia Biznesu
International conference at Faculty of Philology
Global perspectives juxtaposed with local contexts...
Spotkania z Literaturą 12 listopada wykład prof. Friederike Eigler
‘Encounters with Literature’ - lecture by Prof. Fr...
Friederike Eigler is a professor at Georgetown Uni...

Faculties of the University of Opole


Call for applications for the Czech-Polish Forum compet...
The amount of PLN 448,000 has been allocated by the Min...
Second round of electronic enrolment for university-wid...
The second round of electronic enrolment for the univer...
Training for early stage researchers
Careers in research management is the topic of the upco...