UO Rector at meeting of Conference of Rectors of Universities in Poland

The Rector of the University of Opole, Prof. Jacek Lipok, represented our university at the meeting of the Conference of Rectors of Universities in Poland (CRUP). The event was hosted by the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, celebrating its 80th anniversary.

Among other things, participants discussed the international significance of higher education, the MOST Student and Doctoral Student Mobility Programme, and methods of evaluating academic activities. They also discussed the CRUP’s financial report and plans.

The event in Toruń was a great opportunity to initiate cooperation between universities belonging to the CRUP. It also served as a platform for the exchange of information between the rectors.

The meeting was combined with the anniversary of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and the Polish Science Gala organised on the occasion of the Polish Science Day. During the event, the Minister of Science and Higher Education, Marcin Kulasek, honoured the scientists for their achievements.

The CRUP brings together 21 universities from all over Poland, including the University of Opole. It was founded in 1989 as a response to the Great Charter of European Universities, which was adopted in Bologna in 1988.

The website of the CRUP explains that the organisation ‘develops and presents opinions and positions on issues relevant to the development of Polish science, higher education, culture and education in cooperation with the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools of Poland’.


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