Call for applications for the Czech-Polish Forum competition is open

The amount of PLN 448,000 has been allocated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to strengthening Polish-Czech cooperation on the foreign policy priorities of both countries.

The call for proposals ‘Polish-Czech Forum for closer societies, deeper cooperation and good neighbourliness 2025’, is open until 29 November 2024. A single entity can apply for a maximum of PLN 80,000.

Applications for the grant are open to: associations, foundations, church organisations, joint stock and limited liability companies, local government units, associations of local government units, social cooperatives, HEIs and research institutes.

The results of the call will be announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 31 January 2025. The beneficiaries will be given time to implement project tasks from 15 February to 15 December 2025.

More information can be found here: the Czech-Polish Forum for Rapprochement of Societies, Enhanced Cooperation and Good Neighbourliness 2025
