Institute of Physics

One of the main assets of the Institute of Physics is the high quality of scientific research proven by numerous publications in renowned international journals and monographs published for example by Springer-Verlag of World Scientific. The high scientific and educational status of the Institute has been achieved thanks to:

  • Highly appreciated both nationally and internationally research output
  • Interdisciplinary research
  • Scientific cooperation with renowned institutions in Poland and abroad
  • Study programmes adjusted to the needs of the labour market

 On the basis of various agreements with institutions from the whole world the Institute takes part in international exchanges of staff members and students. Students can also participate in the research conducted in the Institute.  Visit:

The institute has its own Observatory, which is used for research and educational observations.


 The research is conducted within experimental, theoretical and computational physics in the following areas:

  •  Non-equilibrium statistical physics and stochastic modelling  
  • Physics of solids, particularly physics of  ferroics
  • Computational methods in the physics of solids and nanostructures, ab initio calculations
  • Spectroscopy of plasma
The research includes also some aspects of astrophysics, cosmology and biophysics. Some of the research is conducted in cooperation with the following foreign institutions:

  • JET Culham, Great Britain
  • Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Greifswald, Germany
  • University of Orleans, Laboratorie d’Aerothermique, CNRS, Orleans, France
  • Odessa National University, Odessa, Ukraine
  • National University of La Plata, Argentina
  • LIPhy, Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Physics, Grenoble, France
  • Institute of Nuclear Energy and Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria

 Degree Programmes:

 Physics: Diagnostics and medical analysis, first-cycle engineering programme (BA) (3.5 years)

Graduates are qualified to work in institutes for medical diagnosis and medical industrial analysis laboratories. Some of the courses:

  • Dosimetry
  • Electronic systems in medical instrumentation
  • Neuroinformatics
  • Optical methods in diagnostics and therapy
  • Diagnostics and therapy by means of nuclear radiation
  • Radio- and nuclear diagnostics and therapy
  • Engineering graphics
  • Basics of radiobiology
  • Instrumental analysis
Medical Physics, second-cycle programme (MA)

The programme is conducted in cooperation with the Opole Centre of Oncology. It focuses on the use of ionising and non-ionising radiation in medical diagnostics and therapy, and on the use of informatics in medicine.


  • Medical databases
  • Planning of treatment in teleradiotherapy
  • Dosimetry of ionising radiation
Graduates are qualified to work in medical institutions, and diagnostic laboratories. They can work in hospitals or clinics using radiotherapy. Outside the medical field our graduates easily find jobs in banks, offices, police, tele-computing companies or they just work at universities and research institutes in Poland or abroad.

Institute of Physics
ul. Oleska 48, 45-052 Opole, Poland
Tel.: +48 774527250

